Drop Anchor in Vermilion Ohio 2022

Visit Vermilion and experience our quaint little New England town. Walk the beautiful beaches along Lake Erie and attend our seasonal events throughout the year. We kicked off spring with our Annual Chocolate & Wine Walk and our 3rd Thursday series, which includes music, flowers, and a beautiful sunset. Head into summer with the Annual Festival of the Fish Fireworks overlooking beautiful Lake Erie, ushering in the annual Festival of the Fish on Father’s Day weekend with the lighted boat parade, crazy craft race, 5K Fun Run, father’s day parade, beer/beverage tent, FREE live entertainment Disco Inferno, Dark Side of the Moon (Pink Floyd),
The French Lenard’s 80’s & 90’s, royalty pageant, royalty brunch, Fireworks, Firefighters water fight, and much more FREE fun for the whole family. A series of FREE Concerts “Live at the Lighthouse” are held every Sunday in July and August at the lighthouse at Main Street Beach. We celebrate Christmas in July with the Chocolate & Wine Walk with a Christmas twist. Fall brings the annual Woollybear Golf Outing and the Woollybear Festival, where Fox 8 joins us in bringing in a wave of orange Wacky Woollybear fun with over 100,000 visitors in what is touted as the largest one-day festival in the state. Late Fox8 meteorologist Dick Goddard masterminded this popular event where the Woollybear caterpillar predicts the upcoming winter weather. We roll into the annual Corks & Kegs where visitors enjoy shopping while sampling wines and craft beers. Winter entices a taste of old-time Christmas with our Annual Santa on the boat…Santa rides into town on his favorite big red boat and then off to his Santa house for candid picture moments with visitors in the park. Whatever you choose to do…relax at the beach, stroll through town visiting our unique merchants, dine out on the town…Vermilion is the place to be so drop Anchor with us for a day…a week…or a lifetime! For more information, visit www.vermilionohio.com or email us at info@vermilionohio.com
The Vermilion Chamber of Commerce is a non-governmental non-profit that works in conjunction with the city, schools, Vermilion Historic District, churches, and the community to promote the greater Vermilion area. Our goal is to promote and retain existing businesses and to attract new business and industry to our area.